untitled notebook

node v16.18.0
version: 1.0.0
require("eris") const Eris = require("eris"); // Replace TOKEN with your bot account's token const bot = new Eris.CommandClient("ODMwMjg0NDgzNjQzMTc5MDIw.YHEcrg.KglGeo9UQBzen9WrZeHrIG0mIIs", {}, { description: "A test bot made with Eris", owner: "somebody", prefix: "!" }); bot.on("ready", () => { // When the bot is ready console.log("Ready!"); // Log "Ready!" }); bot.on("error", (err) => { console.error(err); // or your preferred logger }); bot.registerCommandAlias("halp", "help"); // Alias !halp to !help bot.registerCommand("ping", "Pong!", { // Make a ping command // Responds with "Pong!" when someone says "!ping" description: "Pong!", fullDescription: "This command could be used to check if the bot is up. Or entertainment when you're bored." }); bot.registerCommand("pong", ["Pang!", "Peng!", "Ping!", "Pung!"], { // Make a pong command // Responds with a random version of "Ping!" when someone says "!pong" description: "Ping!", fullDescription: "This command could also be used to check if the bot is up. Or entertainment when you're bored." }); const echoCommand = bot.registerCommand("echo", (msg, args) => { // Make an echo command if(args.length === 0) { // If the user just typed "!echo", say "Invalid input" return "Invalid input"; } const text = args.join(" "); // Make a string of the text after the command label return text; // Return the generated string }, { description: "Make the bot say something", fullDescription: "The bot will echo whatever is after the command label.", usage: "<text>" }); echoCommand.registerSubcommand("reverse", (msg, args) => { // Make a reverse subcommand under echo if(args.length === 0) { // If the user just typed "!echo reverse", say "Invalid input" return "Invalid input"; } let text = args.join(" "); // Make a string of the text after the command label text = text.split("").reverse().join(""); // Reverse the string return text; // Return the generated string }, { description: "Make the bot say something in reverse", fullDescription: "The bot will echo, in reverse, whatever is after the command label.", usage: "<text>" }); echoCommand.registerSubcommandAlias("backwards", "reverse"); // Alias "!echo backwards" to "!echo reverse" bot.connect();

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